Kenny's travel report from heliskiing 2021 with Ueli Kestenholz in Turkey

Don't know where to go heliskiing this Corona year? Then off to Turkey! I was there at the end of January and loved it! Getting there by plane via Trabzon was quick and easy. And then I had a few fantastic days in Ayder at Turkey Heliski.

The conditions were great! In one day, we were able to ski a whopping 18 runs and around 11,000 vertical meters in the best snow conditions - a feeling and a backdrop like in Canada. The heli-skiing was excellent, the snow surprisingly powdery, even though it wasn't that cold.

And what made the trip to Turkey even better, apart from the fantastic skiing: I got to see two good friends again in Turkey. Anjan Truffer, the head of rescue at Air Zermatt and long-time lodge manager at CMH Valemount Lodge, was the lead guide for Turkey Heliski. And I met Ueli Kestenholzon the plane to Turkey.

In addition to his Jones Board, Ueli also had a Lazboard with him. These snowboard precursors were invented in Turkey around 300 years ago. You balance on the wooden board without bindings with the help of a cord at the front and a balance pole at the back - but the way Ueli boarded down the slopes on this board in the truest sense of the word was absolutely amazing! Watch my video for yourself:

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You can see more about Ueli's previous lazboard adventures in this SRF report.

You can find out more about heliskiing in Turkey in my detailed trip story: My trip to Turkey Heliski: The best of many freeride worlds

Strong enough?

Not sure if you're strong enough for heliskiing? Get in touch with us. We're also happy to do a video check-up. We have been heliskiing with thousands of skiers and know all the areas. So we can assess with you where you will have the most fun in the powder!

To the heliski check-up

Hotel Haşimoğlu @ Turkey Heliski

Info & Prices
